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registro: 30/12/2014
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
348 dias h

If we tried to understand

     I have a friend who listens to all kinds of wacked out news stories.   The more I listen to these stories about people picking at everything other people do, and try to find some form of racism or sexism associated with it.    Why can we all not just live our lives and stop trying to micromanage everyone else.  

     The words to several songs from the past come to mind. “LIVE AND LET LIVE BY THE GOLDAN RULE”    “YOU CAN’T EVEN RUN YOUR OWN LIFE I WILL BE DAMNED IF YOU’LL RUN MINE”   People need to let others be who they are.   If I do something someone else has done it is not because I am trying to take their culture as one of these short sited people has alleged.   I do it because I think it is cool and I want to be cool too.   Have these people never heard IMATATION IS THE SINCEAREST FORM OF FLATARY!   We should encourage people being more alike rather than trying to separate everyone into little boxes.   Only this group can ware hooped earrings or only that group can ware dreadlocks, or only this other group can wear the colors red or blue.  Are you getting my point yet?

     I blame the media for much of this.   Any stupid action is put on the tv as news, and if it involves 2 different colors of people or 2 different nationalities or men against women then the media blow it all up big.   These people who are desperate for their 15 min of fame see someone being put on the news for taking a stand no matter how stupid the stand against something ANYTHING and they want on the tv too so they go out and find something just as stupid to take a stand against so they can get on tv also.   

     People should put their time and energy into getting along with others not in fighting with others.  Do you not realize if we all tried to be more like each other we would understand one another more and the world be a happier place if we understood each other instead of trying to beat someone up for wanting to be like us?


     You ever get aggravated by the stupid things other people do ?   Like not taking proper care of their health, or refusing to confront a problem when someone is trying to show them, or asking you a question and then walking away before you can answer it.   I get aggravated easily and on nights like tonight when I have to fast for a blood test it is worse.   I can go from parked to full blown aggravation in 3 seconds.   I know I really need to work on this part of my personality thing is I am not a Vulcan.   My emotions are not easily controlled, and are often connected so if one flares up they all do, and for a time I do not think clearly or rationally.


      I was hanging around in a room I do not usually play in today.   I saw this guy whining in the lobby about someone cheating him, so I asked how.   Maybe not the smartest thing I ever did, but I was bored and curious.    He said the other guy had a program.   To that I asked and you would know that how?   He made an assumption.    He gave me this line about the other player getting the break a bunch of times in a row and making impossible shots.   To which I said you ever hear of luck?  I myself have made lucky shots that shocked me and I defiantly do not have an aimer or any other program.  He went on a little bit and when I laughed at a remark made by another person in the room he put me on ignore.   Pity I was  just about to offer him some bread and cheese to go with his whine. lol  I then left the room before I could get myself in trouble lol.


On a chilly winter day, a group of hedgehogs decides to huddle together for warmth, but as they move closer, they begin to prick one another with their quills. They immediately move away from one another, only to have the frigid air drive them back together. But again, the painful pricking occurs and they step back.

This is the hedgehog’s dilemma. Often called the porcupine problem, it’s a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy.

It was outlined by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer in 1851, who concludes that the hedgehogs “discovered that they would be best off by remaining at a little distance from one another.”

In other words, the hedgehogs realize that while they want to be close, the only way to avoid hurting one another is to avoid getting too close.     That story was suggested to me by a friend.   I had never heard of it before, but after reading it I realize that it is very true.   Every time I get too close to people I like one of us hurts the other and pushes us apart.


      Today is Easter Sunday.   The day Jesus rose from the dead, but more important was why it was necessary for him to rise from the dead.   He had done nothing wrong and was put to death so that we could ALL BE FORGIVEN FOR OUR SINS.   Jesus gave his life so we could be forgiven for our sins.   I find it interesting that God could forgive us all for our sins even killing his son, and there are some people on this planet today that can not forgive people for being human.   So it makes me wonder when God forgave even those that killed his son are those who will not forgive doing it because they think they know better then God or are they doing it because the devil is influencing them?   I think it is neither.  I think it is because they themselves are falling prey to the same all so human frailties as those they are not forgiving in others.     None of us are perfect, but we should all learn to forgive.   We will never be as forgiving as God, but we could try to understand and forgive our fellow man when we mess up and we all do mess up.     Sorry if I confused anyone HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL!