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registro: 30/12/2014
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
348 dias h


     Have you ever noticed everything in the world has an opposite ?   For every up there is a down for every in there is an out for every high there is a low.   I have noticed that when you think you are riding high on a happy is when you need to be the most careful because just over the top of your happy is a huge slide into a valley of sadness.   When you think all is going well someone will be waiting there to trip so you fall.   I have also noticed that some people when they themselves are having bad times  rather then seek those that would help hold them up they would rather turn on those people to bring them down so they will feel bad too.   It is almost like others pain somehow lessens their own pain.



     I think I am going to blame the weird way all my friends have been acting lately on the moon.   Did you all see that weird moon tonight.   It looked full and had some odd clouds hanging round it.  There was also some really strong winds blowing.  This was a serious wind I really thought it was going to blow up something, but it did not. 

     Back to my friends. They have been yelling and snipping at each other more the normal.   I myself am not immune I too have did my share of yelling at people for stupid little things.    Lets blame it on the moon, because if we do we do not need to take responsibility for our own actions.   We do not need to look at our childish behavior and say to ourselves why did I do that.   We can pretend the moon make us do it.

     Just like now all evening it has been quiet on the street in front of my house now at nearly 1 am my idiot neighbors are starting to get loud.   Blame it on the moon.


   I am going to make this short but not so sweet.   At 7 am this morning my brother died from the cancer he had been fighting for the past few months.   He did get to go home last night so he died where he wanted to be.   We all knew it was coming, but we were really hoping for a few more days.   Please pray for his family.   This is going to be hard on his wife and children.

Men or Boys


     I have noticed a growing trend in men to act like boys.    I have a theory about why this is happening.   I think it is because of the growing popularity of the battle video games so many young men of today are playing.   I think they are becoming so sucked into these virtual worlds that they think the things they do in the pretend world is ok to do in the real world.   I think in their minds the lines between the real world and the virtual world are becoming blurred.   As a result they are losing a grasp on how their actions in the real world effect those around them and hurt those that love them. 

     It is also my opinion that those of you who fit into the category I have described will totally disagree with me because to admit I have a point would be to admit a video game has more control of your life then you yourself do.   I am not saying all video games are bad or that all who play them will turn into the characters they play.   What I am saying is certain people are more susceptible to this fantasy  life then others and they will allow it to change them.   They actually lose their real self to the character they play in the game.  The attraction to these games is easy to see.   The graphics make the virtual world look real.   In the virtual world one may become strong, powerful, rich and even a ruler.  Who would not be seduced by the promise of power and wealth.   Sometimes the mind does not separate the virtual world from the real world as far as the chemical reaction in your brain goes.   I myself can understand the high one feels when they achieve something in a vertical game they have been striving for a long time.  

     I play on line pool I have for a decade, and I still remember the emotional high I felt the first time I won a tournament.   It took me nearly a year to get my first win and when I did I floated around on an emotional high for 2 days before the effects wore off.   If  I can get an emotional high like that from a pool game I can only imagine the kind of high one would get from some of these new high definition action games.   I was watching a live streaming of one of my friends playing one of those high action games one night.   It was like walking into that world everything looked so real.     I really think these new video games are going to cause more trouble then they do pleasure.   I do not think we have really seen the full scope of what these violent games are doing to the young people that play them, and I fear when we do we will not like the effects.


      Have you ever wondered why when some people get their feelings hurt even if it is unintentional, instead of telling the person they hurt their feelings they will make it their prime directive to hurt the feelings of the one that hurt them?   Many times people will say or do something that is not meant to cause harm and not even know it did, because the person they hurt does not tell them.  

     Let me tell you all a story about something that happened about 15 years ago.   My brother had picked on me most of my life.   Many times I ended up crying.   He thought he was just teasing me, but I love him so much when he said things like I was fat to me it cut like a knife.   It all came to a head one Christmas.   I was at his house and he started picking at me , but this year he had his wife and daughter picking at me too.   When they got my niece involved it was the straw that broke the camels back.   I decided I would need to make him understand how he made me feel somehow if I was to get him to stop.   I probably should have done it year before, but I usually ended up crying.   Took me about 15 min to come up with something I thought would work.   Out of the blue and for no reason I said to him  the meanest thing I could come up with.   He looked at me in shock.   He said you know that kinda hurt my feelings.   He was not ready for my reply.   I said GOOD!  THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS SUPOSED TO DO!   Now you tell me how the hell does it feel to have someone you love hurt your feelings and not care that they did?  Because that is what you have done to me for years.   I told him you have been hurting my feelings for years and not cared you did it.    He said, I was just teasing.   I said NO when everyone is laughing it is teasing when one person is laughing and the other is crying it is not teasing.   I told him he did not know how many times I cried myself to sleep because of things he said to me.   He thought a little bit and he said if I made you feel like this I am sorry.   My brother never says sorry, so that is progress.   I told him you did and I accept the apology as long as it never happens again.    He must have meant it because he will still tease me BUT the difference is when he sees the smile drop off my face he stops before I end up crying.   It hurt me nearly as much as it did him but it worked we are better then we have been in years.   Some men do have the ability to learn and make adjustments.

     I dealt with so much mental pain because I did not speak up sooner.   The moral of the story is if someone hurts your feelings TELL THEM WHEN THEY DO IT they may not know it hurt you.

     Many do not just tell someone they hurt their feelings instead they set about to get revenge by hurting the one that hurt them.  That is why there is so much animosity then need be.  If I hurt someone's feelings I wish they would just tell me instead of running off all mad.  Then getting madder when I ask why they leave.    Something that could have been fixed easy gets blown up into something bigger.   Then I feel the need to blog about it to calm myself back down so maybe I will be able to sleep.