
Status do relacionamento: em um relacionamento
Procurando por: entretenimento
registro: 30/12/2014
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Pontos necessários: 58
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
348 dias h


I am sure we all know what the butterfly effect is right? If you do not it is the theory that the beating of the wings of a butterfly can cause great changes in the weather millions of miles away through the things it sets in motion.
There are so many ways to be butterfly effected and I am sure we have all felt the power of this phenomena sometime in our lives. Life is so random sometimes. Like the year my nephew died some friends of his had come to the viewing, and on the way home they dot in a car crash adn were both killed. We found out about it the next day the day of my nephews funeral service. It his friends had just left for home a few minutes earlier or talked a bit longer at the funeral parlor before they left, they would have missed the car that hit them and still be alive.
I have recently found myself in the middle of an emotional rain storm. The funny thing is like a real rain storm clears away all the dirt and pollen , this mental storm has cleared away most of the things that kept me from seeing clearly. When you see more clearly you can shed so many negative things in your life. The weird thing is the storm must have taken the fog in my head away too. I feel like my personality has been given a good shower, and I notice things that used to upset me ( NOT SO MUCH NOW). Anyone who does not like the changes in me, keep it to yourself that is your problem not mine. I like the change in me.