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registro: 30/12/2014
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
348 dias h


     Have you been watching the story from Thailand about that soccer team trapped in a cave for nearly 2 weeks so far?   I had been getting bits and pieces of it as it went along,, and I really got to ask WHAT THE HELL WAS THEIR COACH THINKING?   He took the kids into a cave that has been know to flood in the rainy season.   I personally would not go 2 miles into a cave in any season.   This is a soccer team not a cave exploration team.   They had no business that deep in a cave or even in the cave at all in the rainy season.   If I was these kids parents I would be a wreck with worry.   When you sign a child up for a sport you never think it will end up with them being trapped for weeks inside and underground cave with no food and little air.   I think we should all pray for them that they  get out of this cave alive and as healthy as possible.   These poor kids will probably need therapy after this.   I now I would .   Of Corse  I would not be in this position as I never go into caves,   I am betting after this many of these children will not go into another cave again either.

     I do not know maybe I missed where they told , but I am unclear why they could not have drilled a shaft somewhere  closer to where the children are so they would not need to swim so far to get to freedom.    I know originally they had talked about maybe leaving them there till the water subsided.   That would have been a horrible solutions on so many levels .   Thank God they were found.   That fare in the cave this could have ended much worse then it already is.   I just hope they get them all out and they all recover.   It is sad about the diver who died when he ran out of oxygen on his way out of the cave.   To say he died a hero is little consolation to his family, they can take comfort in the fact he died trying to save children., but that is of little comfort when you have lost a love one, and it did not need to happen.  If that coach had just used common sense and stayed away from caves that were know to flood, no one would have needed to try to save them and that diver would still be alive.   

     It is one thing to die when it is our time or when it is unavoidable, but I really hate it when someone's death could have been prevented.   I just hope everyone learns from this.   Always know where you are going and what the weather will be and always take plenty of supplies with you even if you do not think you will be gone long.  The fact of the matter is people love to explore the world, but sometimes things turn dangerous, and being prepared could mean the difference in being alive or dead the next day.  

     I really think it is messed up that these young children are trapped in a cave for weeks because the adult who was supposed to watch over them decided to take them cave exploring in the rainy season.