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registro: 30/12/2014
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
348 dias h


      I think it was best said in the Christmas movie IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.  Clarence said to George, "Each man's life touches so many others that when he is not there it leaves a big hole.   Have any of you ever thought how different the people in your live lives would be if you were  not there?   For instance in my own life,  a little girl named Sandy would not be alive today because when I was 13 I pulled her off the road as a car speeded at her.   That is just one small place where I know I  made a difference in someone else's life.   What about the differences I made that I do not know about.   I used to help children with their school work for many years.   I would take them on walks and if they were good I would buy them treats.   Occasionally one of those children will stop by to see me all grown up, and they still remember me.   One young man who I had helped when he was young told his nieces that they should always listen to me, because I was a good person and I used to do things with him when he was a child.   There is no better feeling then knowing you made a difference in someone's life.

    I would like to take a minute to let someone know he made a difference in mine.   A little over a year ago I was a mess emotionally. A friend of mine took me in and kept me close to him and his friends till I was able to heal my shattered heart.   It appears he may soon be going on in search of things that will make him happy, but I could not let him go without letting him know how much he means to us all.

     I am never good with separating from people I have held dear in my heart and it appears this year I may have 2 such separations.    When you have done everything you can do to keep those you love close to you and still it does not work the only thing you can do is let them go.   If they are really yours they will come back to you in time.   If they do not come back someday you will be able to forget the pain of their loss and only remember the joy they have brought into your life.