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registro: 30/12/2014
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
348 dias h


   Did you ever notice that when you see your own personality traits emerge in someone else they will bug you?   I have a tendency to rub people wrong without even trying.   Part of the reason I bug people is my undying kneed to prove I am right when I feel I am.  I do not deny this trait.   It is part of my post traumatic stress disorder. I know I do it most times without realizing it till I make someone mad, and I own it, it is part of me there is nothing I can do about that.  My real friends get used to it and still stay my friends.   Those that do not understand why I act this way do not get used to it and move on to friends who do not stand up to them or voice their opinion strongly when they are right.    The thing that is annoying is when  I run up against someone who is just as stubborn as me.   But what is 100 times more annoying then someone that argues they are right when I think I am is someone that says what they want to say and then leaves or hangs up the phone before I can say what I want to say.   I listened to them I think they should listen to me.   Which is not to say I myself have never hung up on a call because I have definitely done that also.   Usually when I do it I do it to keep from cussing someone out because they have pushed me nearly to my breaking point.   I do not walk out on someone just because they have a different opinion then mine, or if they wish to debate something.   Frankly I love a good debate.  The thing is to debate it not to get mad and argue about it.   Louder does not make one righter, even though some think it does.  

     What drives me nuts is when someone who usually deals with me fine has an emotional outburst over something I do not think is a big thing.  I know only too well sometimes people have bad days and when they do it does not take much to push them over the edge.   Hell after the year I have had I should be the poster child for bad days.   For the year 4 close relatives dead, 3 in a short time, 2 with little funeral funds.  My one sister had a small stroke and the other one had pancreatitis.  I have not just had a bad day I have had a bad year, but I am hoping next year will be better because this one was a real downer.   I had really thought this year was going to be a good one because the last couple months in last year were starting to look better, but I was wrong this year hit a downward  spin and stayed there.   Only recently am I starting to get some of my emotions back on track.  I am hoping next year will be better.   Did I mention this year was a locust (cicada) year here.   Kind of ironic my older brother was born in a locust year and he died in a locust year.   Of Corse my family does things like that my grandpa died on his own birthday.   My other grandpa died on Christmas morning.  My dad died exactly one week before Thanksgiving 1982.   My mom was buried on the birthday of my niece who was named for her.  I do not know what is with my family and dying on and around special events, but I digress.

     I do not know why it is so annoying to see our own traits in others but it is sometimes.